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T. Geo Ellery - Town Clerk - Asking that Attention be Given to Lawn Outside Boathouse
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Murray Hayward and Magarey - Adelaide - Forwarding Tenancy Agreement Boathouse Paid Cost
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Murray Hayward and Magarey - Adelaide - In regard to Agreement Lease of Boatshed
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Wadey and E J Cox - Adelaide - Names to be Inserted in Tenancy Agreement for Boat Shed
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City Treasurer's Office - Town Hall - Asking for Policy on Boat House Insurance
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G K Soward - Adelaide - Forwarding Certificate for C H Martin  £600 on account of Boat Shed
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W E Cornwall - University of Melbourne - re Visit of Mr Soward and Obtaining Sports Ground
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T. Geo Ellery - Town Clerk - Granting Permission to Erect a Boat Shed
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L W Hayward - Secretary AUBC University - Asking for grant towards Boat Club expenses