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Thomas Ainslie Caterer - St Peters College - A L Holtze not present at Junior Examination
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Thomas Ainslie Caterer - St Peters College - Regarding fee paid by R G Pitcher
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Thomas Ainslie Caterer - St Peters College - Exemption from the Preliminary Examination
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Thomas Ainslie Caterer - Clerk of the Senate - Printing Amended Regulations LLB Course
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Thomas Ainslie Caterer - Clerk of the Senate - The University - Forwarding Warden of the Senate Report
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Thomas Ainslie Caterer - Honorary Secretary - Collegiate Schools Association - Class List Scheme
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Thomas Ainslie Caterer - The University - Results of Election Five Members Council
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Thomas Ainslie Caterer - Clerk of the Senate - University Scholarships
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Thomas Caterer - Semaphore Collegiate School - Forms Preliminary Exam etc
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Thomas Ainslie Caterer - St Peters College - Unable to procure text books for Emil J Trechmann
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Thomas Caterer - Semaphore - Withdrawal of daughter from examination in Junior Theory of Music
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Thomas Caterer - Semaphore - Late entry for Preliminary Examination in March