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On Dit. Volume 40, Issue 14
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[...]in.~- sting do

,all’ that crap._ ‘

JUNE 27, 1972

Registered for posting as
a periodical Ca[...]
[...]onversational German 11 will follow in
September, 1972
[...]violence became a hot topic (Sept.
1970, and May 1972) were by no means the
most likely.

In 197[...]

yr; . \ Sally Trevaskis,
' 4—ON 'DIT, Tuesday. June 27, 1672

4 uh.‘ 1am MA

Christi[...]ous writer on Christianity on
the last page of On Dit 12 has a great
deal to account for. I shou[...]
Samuels' article on the Adelaide Dip. Ed.
(On Dit 12, June 13th p.13). Some of his
failures to brin[...]help them they can obtain
the address form the ON DIT office or ,-

they can drop the material into the ON
DIT office marked, "for unmarried mothers

‘HWhyall[...]ingle copies;
30c bulk orders (over 100.

ON DIT. 'IL'uesday._June 27.71921— L L
[...]rade, aid and
investment there. (see article; ON

DIT 6/6/72, p.11). ‘Two_members of this
[...]lmost intolerable.



As yet, though these programs have not
been s[...]Council, Com.
mittees, Faculties. and Boards for 19721972 .,

' :ovaon Cobb and I‘Phil. Ochs will have[...]ut and double entendre" (see "Focus
on Prosh," 0N DIT 13).

Jembera of United and the enigmatic[...]
[...]mmunity to progreSs'.‘

_ _ 0N ,DIT,_Tue_sday. June 27. 1972—7 -
[...]rning to undergraduate courses, we were
told that 197275 second year class were,
for the first time, rec[...]r of physics- graduates wanting --to‘

III—ON DIT, Tuesday, June ‘27,. 137,;

work on envi[...]
[...]st.. -

IZ—O‘N‘ 011'.- Taésday,‘ June 27/1972


,clining nude, ten of diamonds[...]
[...]f wonder and joy

M—ON DLIT. ,Tuesday. June 27, 1972 '

J..-m_'..--___.‘ .-..

minds meet).[...]
[...]RNED :
NEDA/sauna. »
JUNE‘;218th}:‘ \

on DIT; TuesdanJune 27. "71-145. . a
[...]ND avn. mam" ,,

mkwrcg; w 70

HM DIT, T'uesday, June 27, 1972


On Dit. Volume 40, Issue 14
June 1972
On Dit