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Department of Education
NameDepartment of EducationUnique IDUA-00025410Date Establishedc1959Description
The Department of Education was established circa 1959 within the Faculty of Arts.
Professor Laurie Frederick Neal, the first Chair of Education, built up the Department. He argued that “teaching was a science, an art and an academic discipline.”
Prior to his appointment, Education had been taught on behalf of the University by the staff of the Adelaide Teachers’ College.
Staff of the Department included Emeritus Professor Marjoribanks, who later became Vice-Chancellor of the University.
The Department has since become the School of Education.
Professor of Education
Professor Laurie Frederick Neal, BA, DipEd (Lond), 1959-1978 (Emeritus Professor 1979)
Professor Zoltan Paul Dienes, PhD (Lond), DipEd (Leic), 1964-1965
Professor Kevin Marjoribanks, BSc, DipEd (UNSW), BA (UNE), MEd (Harvard), PhD (Toronto), FASSA, FACE, FSS, 1974-1986; 1993-2005 (Emeritus Professor 2005)
Professor Jerzy Jaroslaw (George) Smolicz AM, BSc, PhD (Edin), FRIC, FACE, FASSA, 1987-2004 (Emeritus Professor 2004)
Professor Tania Ly Aspland, BEd (UQ), BA (UQ), MEd (Deakin), PhD (UQ) 2009-2013