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Hugh William Bell Cairns
Last NameCairnsFirst NameHughMiddle NameWilliam BellTitleSirUnique IDUA-00025445Date of Birth26 June 1896Date of Death18 July 1952Biography
Hugh William Bell Cairns, neurosurgeon, was educated at Riverton High School and at Adelaide High School, where he was dux and editor of the journal in 1911, and proceeded to the university with an exhibition.
On 11 May 1915 he joined the Australian Imperial Force as a private in the Australian Army Medical Corps, and from 30 July served in the 3rd Australian General Hospital on Lemnos.
Next February he returned to complete his medical course at the University of Adelaide which he represented at rowing and lacrosse. He graduated M.B., B.S. in 1917 after being Davies Thomas and Everard Scholar, was commissioned as captain on 7 August, and elected to the South Australian Rhodes scholarship.
From 29 March 1918 he served in France with the 2nd A.G.H., the 3rd A.G.H., the 47th British Division and the 15th Australian Field Ambulance.
He was appointed K.B.E. in 1946. Next year he was elected the first Sims Commonwealth professor appointed by the Royal College and given the honorary M.D. of Adelaide.
Biographical SourceTaken from Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 7, (MUP), 1979