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Glen Howard Burnell
Last NameBurnellFirst NameGlenMiddle NameHowardTitleDoctorUnique IDUA-00025502Date of Birth1 June 1890Date of Death26 August 1954Biography
Glen Burnell was born on 1 June 1890.
He was educated at Sturt Street School and Prince Alfred College. He then attended the University of Adelaide, initially from 1908 to 1911, then 1915 to 1916 when he was awarded a Bachelor of Science and Medicine. He subsequently achieved his MD degree in 1920 and undertook a postgraduate course in Anatomy in 1934-1935. In 1929 he was awarded FRCS from the University of Edinburgh.
While at University he was on the Intervarsity Boat Race team and awarded a Blue for rowing (1909).
Burnell completed military service as a Captain during World War I (1917-1918).
As a medical practitioner, Burnell held various roles at the Adelaide Hospital as well as in Broken Hill and Queensland.
He was a member of the British Medical Association, the Nurses Board of South Australia, the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science and the Medical Board of South Australia.
He later served on the University of Adelaide Council (1950s).
Glen Burnell died on 26 August 1954.
Biographical SourceTaken From Expert Nation - - Accessed 21 February 2021