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Eulalie Hardy Hanton Burnard
Last NameBurnardFirst NameEulalieMiddle NameHardy HantonTitleDoctorAlternative Name - PersonEulalie DawsonUnique IDUA-00025583Date of Birth24 December 1883Date of Death5 September 1907Biography
Eulalie Hardy Hanton was born at Unley, Adelaide, South Australia on 24 December 1883 and qualified with first class honours for her MBBS in 1905. Her parents were Richard Thomas Burnard and Alice Hardy Hanton and her father was a Headmaster of schools at Moonta, Gawler and Unley. In 1896, Eulalie won a bursary for the Advanced School for Girls where she matriculated in 1899 and was awarded the Elder Prize in Medicine in the second year of her degree.
As one of the first women graduates in Medicine Eulalie seemed destined for a great career. On 23 March 1907, she married Dr Dean Dawson but a few months later she was found to have an abscess on her spine but her operation was futile.
Eulalie Hardy Hanton Dawson died in North Adelaide, 5 September 1907.
Biographical Source(1) Calendar of the University of Adelaide 1906, pg 30
(2) Birth Registration: Vol 318, pg 426
(3) Dawson
(4) The Advertiser Mon 2 Dec 1901 pg 3
(5) Marriage Registration: Vol 327, pg 445
(6) Dawson