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Department of Geology
NameDepartment of GeologyUnique IDUA-00007218Date Established1902Date Abolished1984Description
The Department of Geology was established in 1902 with the appointment of Walter Howchin as Lecturer in Geology and Palaeontology. Prior to this Geology had been taught at the University by Ralph Tate, Elder Professor of Natural Science, until his death in 1901.
In 1910 the Department became the Department of Geology and Mineralogy to reflect the inclusion of the position of Lecturer in Mineralogy and Petrology, held by Douglas Mawson since 1905. Mawson was appointed Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in 1921.
On the recommendation of Sir Douglas Mawson, in 1947 the University sought funds from the mining industry to establish a Chair of Economic and Mining Geology. Professor Eric Rudd was appointed in 1949 and Geology became two Departments located together in a new building provided by the Government and sometimes referred to as the School of Geology.
In 1956 the Department of Economic and Mining Geology was renamed the Department of Economic Geology.
In 1981, with the vacancy of the Chair in Geology and Mineralogy, the University commenced a review of Earth Sciences to consider matters including the structure of Geology as two departments. Recommendations of the review endorsed by Council in 1983 included the creation of the Douglas Mawson Chair of Geology and the amalgamation of the two departments into the Department of Geology and Geophysics.
These changes were implemented in 1985 with the appointment of Professor L A Frakes as Chair.
Taken from UAA Provenance Record UAR-0173
Succeeding OrganisationDepartment of Geology and Geophysics