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Arthur Limb
Last NameLimbFirst NameArthurUnique IDUA-00025488Date of Birth27 July 1893Date of Death7 May 1920Biography
Arthur LIMB was born in Gawler, South Australia on 27 July, 1893, son of John Limb and Mary Ann Limb (nee Allen).
He commenced at the University of Adelaide in 1913, studying for a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Arthur played Intervarsity Football in 1914. He also played for the Adelaide University Football Club (1913 and 1914) and the Cricket Club (1912 to 1915). He also played for the Sturt Football Club, winning the Club Championship in 1915 and played in the premiership team of the same year.
Arthur enlisted 10 November 1915. He was a member of the 10th Battalion. He was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant on 31 May 1917 and to Lieutenant on 4 September 1917.
He was ‘Mentioned in Dispatches’ twice, 4 June 1918 and 31 December 1918.
After serving in France, he returned to Australia on 29 June 1919 with acute bronchitis contracted on the journey back to Australia. He never recovered and died on 7 May 1920 after a haemorrhage while on leave at his home in Gawler.
Limb is buried in the Willaston General Cemetery, South Australia.
Biographical SourceTaken from the Virtual War Memorial Australia - - Accessed 20 February 2021
Profile Image - VWMA